Uniform and dress – It is compulsory for the pupils to come neatly dressed in full school uniform, including school ties, socks, shoes and school cardigan (in winter), as specified by the school, WITH PROPER CONVENTIONALHAIR-CUT.
Punctual attendance – Pupils must reach school before the ring of the assembly bell, failing which, they may not be allowed entry.
Early departure – Pupils are not allowed to leave the school before the scheduled time for departure, excepting in cases of unforeseen emergency. In such case of emergency, a written request from the guardian is necessary.
Escort Card – Pupils of Nursery & Primary sections are not allowed to leave the school until the Escort Cards are presented at the gate by their guardians/escorts. SEE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON THE REVERSE OF THE ESCOR T CARD.
Note Books – The school Note Books are to be carried to the school by the pupils every day, duly checked and counter-signed by the guardians.
Books/Exercise Books – These are to be neatly covered with brown papers, with school labels pasted on the covers.
Attache Case – Tin and Aluminium attache cases, plastic bags and shopping bags are not allowed in the school. Conventional school bags are to be used.
Prohibited items – Books and periodicals which are not prescribed by the school, blades, knives and other similar items which might cause accidents, wrist watches, mobile phones, ornaments and similar fancy items are not to be carried to the school.
Tiffin/drinking water – Pupils must carry their own tiffin and water, in proper container / tumbler / serviette every day.
Examination/Progress Report – Pupils are required to appear for all Assessment/Unit Tests and Examinations, Annual Examination. Unit Test results are taken into account for class promotion. Reports of Examinations and/or Assessment/Unit Tests are to be returned promptly to Class Teacher with guardian’s signature. Reports are not lent to the guardians on any occasion before the announcement of Annual Examination results, unless the wards concerned take transfer. No separate certificates are issued regarding marks obtained in Assessment/Unit Tests.
Discussions regarding pupils’ progress – Guardians are expected, in the interest of their wards, to attend the Parent-Teacher meetings, convened periodically for discussing the pupils’ progress individually. Notes from the guardians, if any, are to be written in the School Note Book, or through separate letters addressed to the Principal, if necessary, but not in any other exercise book. Verbal instructions through our support staff are not taken into account.
Meeting with Class/Subject Teacher – For meeting with the Teachers, guardians are requested to make prior appointments through the respective Departments-in-charge instead of approaching the Teachers directly.
Extra-curricular activities & Games/P.T. Classes – Pupils must compulsorily participate in all extra-curricular activities of the school as instructed, and in the regular games/P.T. classes, unless exempted under special circumstances, such as physical unfitness, etc.
Leave/Absence – Applications for leave/absence, with reasons, are to be submitted in the Note Book by the guardian and produced to the Class Teacher by the pupil concerned for counter-signature.
Attendance – Minimum 75% attendance is essential for a pupil in order to be qualified to appear for the Annual Examination upto Class IX and the Test Examination of Class X.
Change of address – Any change of address is to be promptly communicated to our office in writing.
Instruction to the pupils using school conveyance – Our conveyance drivers have instructions not to wait for any child beyond the scheduled time. As such, the children are required to be ready at the fixed places at the given time during the incoming trip. Similarly, their guardians/escorts should wait with the Escort Cards to receive the children at the fixed places at the given time during the return trip.
Withdrawal of names from school roll – For withdrawal of names from school roll, guardians are required to give at least one calendar month’s written notice to our office, or pay one month’s fees in lieu of notice. In the absence of any written notice, usual fees will continue to be charged.
Withdrawal of names from conveyance register – School conveyance, once taken, must be continued for the rest of the session. In any case, conveyance fee will continue to be charged till the end of the session.
Contact us
School Building : 162/B/193 Lake Gardens, Kolkata - 700045 Phone: +91 9073548694 Timing: Mon-Fri (9am To 4pm)
Office : Phone: +91 6290571911 25, Southern Avenue, Kolkata – 700026 Timing: Mon-Fri (10am To 4pm) Sat (11am To 2pm)